© Equine & Animal Lawyers Association 2013.

The Equine & Animal Lawyers Association

The Equine & Animal Lawyers Association is a professional organisation run for the benefit of its members, and the animal world in general. Although it is a trading organisation it is not run primarily for profit, but as a public service. Accordingly fees are well below those charged by similar professional concerns. It is intended to be a high-profile, strongly academic organisation in the animal world, and the immediate point of reference for anyone with animal law concerns.

Membership is in two categories.

The Animal Lawyers category is open to solicitors, barristers, and legal executives, or their equivalent in any other non-UK jurisdiction. A current Practising Certificate is not required for membership, so animal lawyers in non-practising employment, and academics are most welcome.

The Professional Services category is open to all professionals offering services connected with animal law. The majority are expert witnesses, but membership is open to others such as animal insurance professionals who have considerable animal law interests.

Membership of the Association provides members with the following services:

1)  Subscription to Horse Law - The Animal Law & Litigation Reports published bi-monthly.

2)  Professional listing in the columns of  Horse Law.

3) Regular website advertising of the Association and its members, and of the Association Helpline telephone number.

4)  Referrals of new client enquiries from members of the public contacting the Association Helpline.

5)  A telephone technical advice service for members to offer legal and scientific advice on any animal litigation matter.

Due to their low level all subscriptions are non-refundable, and are based on the current calendar year. Members joining from 1st October onwards in any calendar year will be credited with the full following year.

Full Membership:  £200 per year.  Horse Law only : £45 per year

Overseas:    Please add £20-00 for excess overseas postage in either case.

Cheques payable to:  B. F. PEACHEY  (NOT The Equine & Animal Lawyers Association) Bank charges are so high for business banking that an Association bank account is not financially viable).  An Invoice will be issued upon receipt of payments. Overseas payments in Sterling Bank Draft please.

Applicants should provide information in the following specimen form for inclusion in the professional listings in Horse Law and on the website

Professor Barry F. Peachey  

LL.B(Hons)  LL.M  Ph.D  B.Sc S.Th(Lambeth) HonDCL HonDD HonDTh FCollP MBAE FETC Cert. Mediation.

12, Hallam Close



DN20 8TN

Tel: 01469 531742

Mob: 07721 362627

Email: chairman@animallawyers.co.uk

Web: www.animallawyers.co.uk

DX: (If any)

Barry Peachey is an Expert Witness, Professor of Law and Consultant Forensic Biologist and Ecologist specialising in Equine and Animal Law, Science, and Litigation. Technical Consultancy Services throughout the animal litigation world, for solicitors, insurers, businesses, and government departments.  Professor Peachey also has an extensive practice in dog and wildlife cases and has often acted in Planning matters relating to interactions between domestic animals and wildlife and proposed planning developments.

SEND TO: 12, Hallam Close, Barrow-upon-Humber, Lincs, DN19 7FD